Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"Quiet Time"

The ellipse on the face of the clock caused me GRIEF!!!!!  The clock was actually turned a bit .... with the left hand side turned back into the picture plane, with the right hand side closer to the viewer.  I don't think my painting reflects this...... but since my original blog goal was to post my paintings as they are,  ..... unaltered ..... here it is!  Any suggestions how to achieve this would be appreciated :)



Anonymous said...

I love how this turned out. You captured the values...right on!

ArtGirl said...

I LOVE it! And one thing my husband has tried to drill into me in the last year is noone knows what you painted FROM, they only know what they SEE. And if that is pleasing then let the perfection go. At least that is what he tells me....I tend to want an exact replica and he tells me I am a painter not a photographer. And in your case it looks perfect to me! I love the rose.....:-)

Carole Abla said...

Katie May,

Thank you, your note was so sweet .... and your husband is sooooo wise :)

I'm happy that you liked my painting. I check your web site every so often, and really like what you are doing! You have so much energy and spirit in your paintings! I especially loved your nocturnal street scene. The composition and reflections were handled so well. Great job! How lucky you are to live in such a wonderful place.


Brent Seevers said...

Excellent work!

Randy Saffle said...

I don't see a problem with the clock. The soft strokes help add depth to the painting. Nice one.